Take this opportunity to experiment with different types of media, and explore a wide range of subject matter. From still life to landscape, this course is a building block to extending knowledge in charcoal, ink and pastels. Students can choose subject matter which inspires them whilst being guided, so this is a great course to get started! Make your debut in each or take your techniques to a new level.

Lindsay Tempest Art School

Hi, I’m Lindsay Tempest. I live in the Yorkshire Dales with my family and Moog the dog. I have a BA In Fine Art Painting, am qualified in Mental Health and as a HE Tutor (Painting and Drawing). Apart from teaching art to adults and previously children for over 15 years, traditionally I have sold my paintings to private clients, but I now offer services in illustration. With a strong leaning toward emotions and mental health, this reflects in both my workshops and personal paintings. I was shortlisted in the top 5 inaugural ‘Womankind’ Magazine Art and Illustration Awards in 2019.

My motivation for teaching is for you to gain both technically and for your wellbeing. Previous to COVID-19, I was teaching face to face classes, but I'm now offering this service as a way of connecting with you and sharing my knowledge in a way I hope you enjoy.

Choose a Pricing Option

oil pastel
Sgraffito oil pastel

Learn new techniques

ink wash
Ink and wash landscapes

Wet and dry media


Personal wellbeing